The roof goes up in smoke, a mobile external Overtreders W. for Allerzielen.nu. Thestudy of Dutch design Overtreders W has designed a mobile outdoor pavilion. Thepavilion, a meeting place to share food and stories, has been called "Het dak datopgaat tower"(the roof goes up in smoke). It consists of two large picnic tables, aretractable roof that provides shelter for the table and a wood stove.
The roof is an inflatable structure and keeps its shape thanks to the hot air blown fromthe heater. The wood stove heats the air and is also the centerpiece of the pavilion, to be used to make hot chocolate, roasted chestnuts, pumpkin soup or baked potato. Thepavilion can seat up to 40 people. E 'was installed in three different locations in thesouthern Netherlands: Roosendaal in a cemetery, in an institution for mental health andBiezenmortel in a cemetery of Breda.

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