Συνολικές προβολές σελίδας

Δευτέρα 29 Νοεμβρίου 2010

The Wind Energy Industry is Nothing New

What do you think?

Though our scientists may claim that they are inventing something new by using wind as a source of generating energy, the truth is that wind is being used for centuries for this purpose. An example of this is an article published in 1838, which clearly shows that even in those times, wind was considered an important source of energy.Chinese Windmill

Here are a few quotes that were recorded in the past, which prove that wind was always important in generating energy.

John Houghton from Cambridge said in his paper Global Warming: The complete Briefing, ‘Given that it has been used as a form of energy for a couple of centuries, wind is a very common source of energy. The fact that there were about 10,000 windmills to tap wind energy in the Year 1800 itself, goes to show that wind was an important source of energy in parts of Europe like Britain. Therefore it is not surprising that parts of the world like some countries from Western Europe such as Great Britain and Denmark and some countries in western North America are trying to revive ways of tapping energy from wind. Slim, tall and more efficient objects have replaced windmills to tap wind energy.’

Even other researchers from Cambridge have worked on this subject. Vaclav Smil in his paper Energies wrote, ‘The windmills in 19th century, which were at par with watermills of that period with regard to generating power, were of a different design. They were used in farms and on Railway stations. Before that, post mills of 1.5 and 6 Kilowatt and tower mills of 5 to 10 kilowatts were used in Europe for this purpose.’

Studies tend to indicate that though the use of windmill to generate energy started in China, it soon spread to parts of Europe like England in the 12th century and by the end of the century there were 12000 mills in the region that needed little water to produce electricity to meet huge industrial demands.

Other researcher and historians like Cynthia Shea in her paper Renewable Energy: Today’s Contribution Tomorrow’s Promise points out that other European economies like the Danish industry at a particular time used wind-power to satisfy 1/4th of their power needs.

In United States of America, policy makers while stating it to former President George W Bush said, ‘Since around the year 1900, windmills were used to pump water in farms and ranches in the country. They even led to the production of electricity and turbines. Before that grain was ground and water was pumped with the help of wind mills as early as year 200 B C.’

Dennis Hayes in his paper The Official Earth Day Guide to Planet Repair also verifies the same as he says, ‘Before Carbon-fired power plants, 8 million Midwestern windmills made electricity by driving water and crushed grains. There was no other way to do so before villages got electricity in 1920s and 1930s.’

Christopher Flavin in his worldwide paper Electricity for a Developing World: New Directions has also urged the underdeveloped countries to follow American example of how they used Midwestern windmills to generate electricity for their rural sector.

Windmills have been used for centuries for pumping water in rural areas. They also grind grains and do other small tasks. Though traditional windmills can also generate power, latest technology and wind power together can be the foundation of mechanical power and can generate electricity in underdeveloped countries

The history of windmills has been penned down extensively by Wilson Clark in his workEnergy For Survival: The Alternative to Extinction. With regard to Europe, he says, ‘Developed in Seventh century in Persia, windmill reached Europe through Dutch and England in thirteenth century enabling them to generate 1 billion kilowatt- hour of electricity. The wind energy produced by windmills was used as a source of power to the sailing ships. The Persians again became the first to use wind to develop mechanical power and used windmills to put out water for irrigation. Whereas windmills were used in Persia in seventh century, it reached France in 12th and Denmark, Germany and the Netherland in early 13th century.’

Wilson further talks of America. He says, ‘Industrial growth in Midwestern United States led to a situation where windmill industry had capital investment of $ 4.3 million by the year 1900 with homesteaders and ranchers having their own windmills. Efficient and long-lasting windmills were also developed due to stiff competition. The windmill industry in United States continued to grow with various windmills being tried out for the best possible option. Whereas some windmills developed in 18th century needed fewer sails, those made in 20th century could run electric generators, pump water and generate electricity for American farmers.’

Wilson also explains how 1250 kilowatt wind electric station generated that much power in the hills of Vermont during the days of Second World War. This was the hard work of a man known as Palmar C Putnam, who was finding it difficult to pay for high electricity rates in the region.

Many new ways have been developed to generate energy in the last two centuries, the world is again returning to the old ways of generating power because of scarcity of oil, gas and coal. This is because they know that energy created with the help of sun, water and wind will never get scarce or exhausted.



Κυριακή 28 Νοεμβρίου 2010

[ Πρόσωπα ] Χωρίς παπά και χωροφύλακα


Του Γιώργου Αγγελόπουλου gangel@dolnet.gr

ΔΗΜΟΣΙΕΥΘΗΚΕ: Τρίτη 20 Απριλίου 2010
Δήµαρχος Γκορντίγιο:  «Ξέρουµε πως οι  άνθρωποι  µπορούµε να  δουλεύουµε και για  άλλες αξίες, όχι  αποκλειστικά για  το χρήµα»

Η Μαριναλέντα, µια κοινότητα 2.645 κατοίκων στην Ανδαλουσία, δεν έχει ανεργία, δεν έχει αστυνοµικούς και τα σπίτια της νοικιάζονται µε 15 ευρώ τον µήνα. Ο δήµαρχός της, ο κοµµουνιστής Χουάν Μανουέλ Σάντσες Γκορντίγιο, επανεκλέγεται εδώ και 31 χρόνια. 

Εδώ και πολλά χρόνια, την εβδοµάδα που οι άλλες πόλεις στην Ισπανία γιορτάζουν το Πάσχα, στη Μαριναλέντα γιορτάζουν την ειρήνη. «Ο δήµαρχός τους είναι τρελός», λένε στο γειτονικό χωριό. «Ενώ εµείς οι άλ λοι Ισπανοί κάνουµε θρησκευτικές λιτανείες, εκείνοι κάνουν επί 5 µέρες πάρτι». Πολλοί νέοι από τη Σεβίλλη, τη Γρανάδα, τη Μαδρίτη, πηγαίνουν για να γιορτάσουν µε τους χωρικούς της Μαριναλέντας.

Οταν εξελέγη για πρώτη φορά, το 1979, ο Γκορντίγιο ήταν ο νεώτερος δήµαρχος στην Ισπανία. Το 1986, έπειτα από 12 χρόνια αγώ νων και καταλήψεων κυρίως από τις γυναίκες του χωριού, η Μαριναλέντα κατάφερε να πά ρει από ένα γαιοκτήµονα 12.000 στρέµµατα γης και να δηµιουργήσει έναν αγροτικό συ νεταιρισµό από τον οποίο ζει σήµερα σχεδόν όλο το χωριό. «Η γη δεν ανήκει σε κανέναν, η γη δεν αγοράζεται, η γη ανήκει σε όλους!», λέει ο δήµαρχος.

Στον συνεταιρισµό Εl Ηumoso οι συνεταίροι εργάζονται 6½ ώρες την ηµέρα, από τη Δευτέρα ώς το Σάββατο, δηλαδή 39 ώρες την εβδοµάδα. Ολοι έχουν τον ίδιο µισθό, ανεξάρτητα από τη δουλειά που κάνουν. Οι συγκοµιδές (ελαιόλαδο, αγκινάρες, πιπεριές κ.λπ.) συσκευάζονται στο µικρό εργοστάσιο Ηumar Μarinaleda που βρίσκεται στη µέση του χωριού και στο οποίο εργάζονται, σε πολύ χαλαρή ατµόσφαιρα, περίπου 60 γυναίκες και 4-5 άνδρες. Τα προϊό ντα πωλούνται κυρίως στην Ισπανία. Τα έσο δα του συνεταιρισµού δεν µοιράζονται, αλλά επενδύονται και πάλι στον συνεταιρισµό για να δηµιουργηθούν δουλειές. Γι’ αυτό στο χω ριό δεν υπάρχουν άνεργοι. Οµως ακόµη και σε εποχές που δεν υπάρχουν αρκετές γεωργικές δουλειές για όλους, οι µισθοί καταβάλλονται.

Στη Μαριναλέντα, η στέγαση, η εργασία, ο πολιτισµός, η εκπαίδευση και η υγεία θεωρού νται δικαίωµα. Μια θέση στον παιδικό σταθµό µε όλα τα γεύµατα κοστίζει 12 ευρώ τον µήνα. Από την άλλη, «εδώ δεν έχουµε χωροφύ λακες, θα ήταν µια άχρηστη σπατάλη», λέει ο δήµαρχος. «Δεν έχουµε ούτε παπά - δόξα τω Θεώ!», προσθέτει γελώντας. Πάντως η ελευθερία της λατρείας είναι εγγυηµένη και το Πάσχα έγινε µια µικρή θρησκευτική λιτανεία, η οποία πέρασε διακριτικά από τους δρόµους του χω ριού, χωρίς θεατές και αποφεύγοντας την πλατεία όπου γινόταν η γιορτή.

«Εφαρµόζουµε µια συµµετοχική δηµοκρατία, αποφασίζουµε για όλα, από τους φόρους ώς τις δηµόσιες δαπάνες, σε µεγάλες συνελεύσεις. Πολλά κεφάλια δίνουν πολλές ιδέες», λέει ο Γκορντίγιο. «Ξέρουµε πως οι άνθρωποι µπορούµε να δουλεύουµε και για άλλες αξίες, όχι αποκλειστικά για το χρήµα». 


Πέμπτη 25 Νοεμβρίου 2010

St. Eulalia School Ronçana

A building designed for children. This is not an architecture to be seen but to feel, breathe, play and vibrate benefiting the growth of small and bearing in mind that the mother's uterus from the corner.
A building of pure consciousness and intention, love, mud and consequently the current situation of Gaia and mental and spiritual health of Children. The future is in your hands and therefore if we want to divert the current path, we must educate, to live and live differently. We're talking about growing up in schools alive, bioconstructivas, resonating and harmonizing, where everything is pure resent the internal potential of each individual. Is no longer just an architecture to be seen, but to feel, breathe, play
and vibrate. So, throughout the process of execution of the idea has been carefully how to work, reach and discuss possible that human love endures soaked in its walls. Those intentions, thoughts, desires and love are in turn powered by a homeopathic dilution of rose quartz and Bach flowers for all blocks.
In our example, generally responds to criteria of sacred geometry golden ratio and angles based on the solstice, with criteria retrieved from the old masters of European cathedrals.
Each classroom has a specific proportion and color, where the hexagon dome is crowned by the dominant, thereby promoting as usual circle work in nurseries.
The employee bioclimatic design combines the traditional structure of walls loaded with Trombe walls and large ab
erturas on the south side for solar gain. Moreover, the optimal orientation to allow good sunlight.
BTC BioTerra ecological brick is the material used in walls and domes for high thermal inertia and low environmental impact. The thickness of walls 15 cm alternate indoor outdoor 30cm extending to 45cm on the north side bordering on the noisy main street. Shows a wall inside view of BTC earthy color with transparent water-repellent treatment on the basis of latex, silicone resin or potassium silicate.
In the multipurpose room and dining room has implemented a curved wall of mud 40 cm thick clay reusing the excavation of the work itself. The roof of the classroom has made me
Nubian elliptical domes by means showing inside the brick. The courses have been implemented with rotary telescopic rule maintaining the center but varying the ratio in each. This technique gives rise to an irregular surface step which gives very good noise performance.
The exterior finish is colored trencadís ceramic material recycling. Additionally the natural lighting and ventilation is ensured by central skylight practicable. The rest of the roof is flat and landscaped with wood structure, while the natural cork provides insulation to all walls of the building.

Source (in spanish):

Τετάρτη 24 Νοεμβρίου 2010

The Recycled House Modeled on the Fibonacci Sequence

By Michael Simon

August 11, 2010
Not only is this a sustainable, recycled home, but it also embodies Fibonacci’s Golden Ratio!
Nautil1 The Recycled House Modeled on the Fibonacci Sequence
Image used by permission of Earthship
Made from recycled materials and running on renewable energy, the astonishing buildings known as Earthships offer an extraordinarily green form of domestic living. Perhaps the strangest of them all is the Nautilus Earthship, a design based on the Fibonacci sequence, as seen in the Nautilus sea shell!
Floorplan The Recycled House Modeled on the Fibonacci Sequence
Image used by permission of Earthship
In the Fibonacci series, each number is the sum of the two that preceded it. What this means is that when mapped as a grid it forms an endless spiral — a form seen throughout nature, whether in sea shells, sunflower heads or artichoke flowers. Derived from this is the Golden Ratio, employed by artists and architects to achieve aesthetically pleasing compositions, which have included mankind’s greatest works of art.
close The Recycled House Modeled on the Fibonacci Sequence
Image used by permission of Earthship
The Nautilus Earthship, built in 1995 in New Mexico, took its inspiration from this form, embodying the beauty, wonder and interrelation of nature. In fact, the Earthships, built from unwanted materials and running on sustainable power, are constructed so that their inhabitants will have almost no impact on their environment. It is a structure that adapts the needs of its inhabitants to suit those that the planet can amply provide for.
phoca thumb l nautilus side The Recycled House Modeled on the Fibonacci Sequence
Image used by permission of Earthship
The creators of the Nautilus explain on their website: “We must realize that we, the users of the vessel (the home), are part of the vessel. This is much the same as we, the users of the earth, are part of the earth. The Earthship is a participant in the prevailing systems of planet earth. It causes no conflict, no stress, no depletion, no trauma to the planet earth.
Naut2 The Recycled House Modeled on the Fibonacci Sequence
Image used by permission of Earthship
“Just as the human body is a result of the various systems that support it — (circulatory systems, nervous systems, respiratory systems, etc….) so must the Earthship be a product of the systems that support it. In view of this, we have made the Earthship systems both understandable and available to the common everyday human.”
View The Recycled House Modeled on the Fibonacci Sequence
Image used by permission of Earthship
The Earthships are, in fact, surprisingly cheap. Because of the way they run, living costs are extremely inexpensive while the materials with which they are built are secondhand — however, they are built in such a way as to be extremely sturdy and hence require little maintenance.
diag The Recycled House Modeled on the Fibonacci Sequence
An annotated diagram of a Global Model Earthship. Image used by permission of Earthship
The basic building blocks of the Earthships are recycled rubber car tires, which are packed with compacted earth and sealed in steel-belted rubber to form thick, solid walls. Also used in the process are bottles and cans, while shredded plastic is used alongside gravel in the sewage systems.
bedloft The Recycled House Modeled on the Fibonacci Sequence
Image used by permission of Earthship
The building catches rain water and allows it to be used up to four times. All the energy needed for the house is captured by solar panels and wind turbines, while all sewage produced can be treated and reused for food production. Through these means the mystery as to how water, electricity and sewage arrive and depart from the home vanishes, reconnecting the inhabitants with the environment — something that the Earthship community calls “direct living,” as people are put back into synchrony with the planet’s rhythm.
spiral The Recycled House Modeled on the Fibonacci Sequence
Image used by permission of Earthship
Earthships can be placed anywhere in the world, in any climate, and they can be adapted so that they will meet all building codes.
Sink The Recycled House Modeled on the Fibonacci Sequence
Image used by permission of Earthship
Many of the Earthships are built into the ground, meaning that living in them is comparable to living in a cave. However, whereas a cave is insulated by its mass, the Earthships are also heated by the sun. Unlike most designs, the Nautilus is entirely above ground, as it sits on lava rock. Because of this, it is veneered with straw bales for extra insulation.
Windows The Recycled House Modeled on the Fibonacci Sequence
Image used by permission of Earthship
In an interview with spiritofmaat.com, Michael Reynolds, the primary architect of the Earthships, described the reactions that the Nautilus receives: “Some people are scared off by the Nautilus. It looks too fairytale and too strange. Some people want just a simple-looking house that makes no statement at all. Some want their house to look like everyone else’s. And for a long time we didn’t care what they looked like — we just wanted them to work.
Sunflowers The Recycled House Modeled on the Fibonacci Sequence
Image used by permission of Earthship
“But there are quite a few people — more than half — who are moved by the shapes of the Nautilus. It’s a castle. It’s a fairytale. And we have a lot of designs that are like that. It’s not limited, it can go any way you want it to. If you’re trying to cross the ocean in a boat, your main concern is that it will float.”
Perhaps these strange vessels really are the best way to sustainably survive upon the shifting seas of our world.


O αρχιτέκτονας ALBERTO ALESSI
24 Νοέμβριος, 2010

O αρχιτέκτονας ALBERTO ALESSI


Ο Alberto Alessi θα είναι ένας εκ των ομιλητών του BUILDING WITH WOOD SEMINAR!To σεμινάριο θα πραγματοποιηθεί στις 26 Νοεμβρίου 2010 στο συνεδριακό κέντρο «Ιωάννης Βελίδης» στη Θεσσαλονίκη. 

Στόχος του σεμιναρίου είναι η ενημέρωση των Ελλήνων αρχιτεκτόνων και πολιτικών μηχανικών για τις νέες τεχνολογίες που αφορούν τη χρήση του ξύλου στη σύγχρονη κατασκευή. Ο Ιταλός Αρχιτέκτονας Alberto Alesi, θα αναλύσει την εμπειρία του σχετικά με τη χρήση της σταυρωτής επικολλητής ξυλείας (CLT) στη σύγχρονη Μεσογειακή αρχιτεκτονική.
Ακολουθεί σύντομο βιογραφικό του:
Γεννήθηκε στο Caravaggio το 1964 και σπούδασε αρχιτεκτονική στο Politecnico di Milano, ETH Zürich, Ecole d'Architecture Paris-Villemin.
Το 1994 άνοιξε το αρχιτεκτονικό του γραφείο στη Ρώμη και το 2004 το παράρτημα του στη Ζυρίχη. Έχει μελετήσει πληθώρα έργων διαφόρων κατηγοριών όπως εκθεσιακούς χώρους, κτίρια διαφόρων χρήσεων καθώς και πολεοδομικές αστικές παρεμβάσεις.

Ως καθηγητής έχει διδάξει στα Zürich, IED Roma, Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio, Cornell University Ithaca. Σήμερα διδάσκει θεωρία της αρχιτεκτονικής στο University of Lucerne και στο University Liechtenstein, καθώς και αρχιτεκτονική σχεδίαση στο Università di FerrarΈχει δώσει διαλέξεις στα Syracuse University, NJIT New York, TU Delft, TU Berlin, Tsinghua University Beijing.

Κείμενα του έχουν συμπεριληφθεί σε βιβλία όπως τα "Heinz Tesar," "Shared Architecture", "Italy now?", καθώς και άρθρα του στις αρχιτεκτονικές επιθεωρήσεις Domus, Abitare, Der Architekt, WA. 

Από το 2008 είναι συντάκτης στο Ιταλικό περιοδικό ''materialegno'' http://www.materialegno.com/
Ως έφορος μουσείου έχει δραστηριοποιηθεί στους διεθνής διαλόγους Transalpinarchitettura and MittelArchitetture, the European event Costruire Identità?, the international Colloquium Spaziarte, as well as the exhibitions Architetture di Passaggio και για την 10°Venice Architecture Biennale, and Italy now? Country_Positions in Architecture that was shown at Cornell Ithaca, New York, and at the ETH Zurich. 
Από το 2009 είναι έφορος στο μουσείου του webplatform www.italian-architects.com

Για δήλωση συμμετοχής στο σεμινάριο online στο: www.epipleon.gr/seminar/form.php
Δικαίωμα δήλωσης συμμετοχής έχουν οι εγγραφές έως τις 23 Νοεμβρίου 2010. 
Η είσοδος θα είναι ελεύθερη αλλά θα τηρηθεί σειρά προτεραιότητας. Σε όσους παρακολουθήσουν το σεμινάριο θα δοθεί πιστοποιητικό παρακολούθησης.

Περισσότερες πληροφορίες για τον Alberto Alessi : ΕΔΩ
Ακολουθεί φωτογραφικό υλικό από τα έργα του Alberto Alessi.

albertoalessi.2010.11.02.jpg albertoalessi.2010.11.04.jpg
albertoalessi.2010.11.05.jpg albertoalessi.2010.11.06.jpg
albertoalessi.2010.11.06.jpg albertoalessi.2010.11.07.jpg
albertoalessi.2010.11.08.jpg albertoalessi.2010.11.09.jpg
