Συνολικές προβολές σελίδας

Σάββατο 29 Σεπτεμβρίου 2012

"Solar Building Skins" Conference in Bressanone, Italy

05-06 November, 2013
Conference Center in Bressanone, Italy

Solar Building Skins
It is my pleasure to invite you to next year's ENERGY FORUM on Solar Building Skins to be held 05-06 November 2013, at the Conference Center in Bressanone, Italy.  The aim of the Conference is to contribute to a multidisciplinary, integrated planning approach among architects, engineers, scientists and manufacturers, to reduce energy consumption while improving the comfort and health of the building's occupants. The annual ENERGY FORUM attracts 400 participants from over fifty countries.

We invite researchers to organize a Session or a Workshop on a topic falling within the scope of the conference and to submit a proposal by 15 November, 2012. Following are the topics which will be covered by next year’s conference:

Multifunctional Building Skins
- Intelligent and Adaptive Building Skins
- Evolving Photovoltaic and Solar Thermal Technologies and Projects
- Enhanced Daylighting and Shading

Holistic Concepts of Solar Buildings
- Building Concepts and Market Strategies for Plus Energy Houses
- Solar Retrofitting of the Building Stock
- Models, Tools and Simulations for Solar Buildings

Performance Criteria for Building Envelopes
- Performance Metrics
- Life Cycle Cost Analysis

Sessions are limited to a maximum of 5 speakers.  If there are sufficient papers, the session may become a workshop, or may be organized as sessions with 4 full presentations (20 min each) and several poster presentations (2 min each); see this year’s conference program at www.energy-forum.com where several Sessions are organized with 3-4 full presentations, followed by poster presentations of 2 minutes each.

How to apply:
Session Topic proposals may be broad in reach or sharply focused. Each proposal should clearly identify its subject and its particular approach to it: the premise, scope, and ambitions underlying the session should be clear to the reader. Please include the following information in your proposal:
- the title of the session;
- a 300 word description;
- the Chair’s name, job title and organization;
- phone number, email address and postal address;
- brief Curriculum Vitae on page two of your proposal;

Proposals should be sent in PDF format to proposals@energy-forum.com by 15 November, 2012. The Scientific Conference Committee will review your proposal. Submitters will be notified by 12 December regarding the status of their submission.

Registration Fee:
Chairpersons, speakers and poster presenters are required to register for the conference by 30 April and have to pay the reduced conference fee of 380 EUR. The registration fee includes the publication of full manuscripts, lunches and coffee breaks.

Important Dates:
The final decision on what topics will be selected will occur during the Conference Committee Meeting 06 December 2012.

Deadline for Session Topic proposals: 15 November 2012
Notification of Acceptance/Revisions of Session Topics: 12 December 2012
Registration deadline for speakers: 30 April 2013
Submission deadline for full manuscripts: 15 June 2013
First announcement of the conference program: 15 June 2013
Second announcement of the conference program: 20 September 2013
Deadline for PowerPoint presentations: 15 October 2013

Full papers that are received by 15 June will be translated in Italian and included in the conference documentation available in a printed version at the congress.

Scientific Conference Committee :
- Marilyne Andersen, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland
- Konrad Bergmeister, Director, Institute of Structural Engineering, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria
- Livio de Santoli, Faculty of Architecture, La Sapienza University, Rome
- Michael Garrison, School of Architecture, University of Texas at Austin, USA
- Hans-Martin Henning, Head of Thermal Systems and Buildings, Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems, Germany
- Andreas Karweger, General Manager, Economic Forum, Munich - Bolzano
- Dieter Moor, Executive Director, Ertex-Solar, Austria
- Wolfram Sparber, Director, Department of Renewable Energies, European Academy, Bolzano, Italy
- Mitsuhiro Udagawa, President, Japanese Solar Energy Society; Department of Architecture, Kogakuin University, Japan
- Bernhard Weller, Institute for Construction, TU Dresden, Germany
- Stephen Wittkopf, Technology & Architecture, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland
- Yigsaw Yohanis, School of the Built Environment, University of Ulster, United Kingdom
For more information on our Social program, hotel accommodation in Bressanone and how to get there, please visit our web site at www.energy-forum.com