Εντατικό εργαστήριο φυσικής δόμησης, 10 - 20 Οκτωβρίου 2011
Σε αυτό το εντατικό εργαστήριο διαρκείας 10 ημερών θα μάθουμε πως μπορούμε να μεταμορφώσουμε πρωτογενή φυσικά υλικά, όπως το ξύλο, το άχυρο, ο πηλός και η άμμος, σε μία όμορφη, λειτουργική, υγιεινή, ασφαλή, οικονομική και ανθεκτική κατοικία, σχεδιασμένη να μας προσφέρει ένα άριστο περιβάλλον διαβίωσης.Δίνοντας έμφαση στη δόμηση με αχυρόμπαλες, την κατασκευή πράσινης (φυτευτής) στέγης και τα επιχρίσματα από πηλό και ασβέστη, θα εξερευνήσουμε και άλλες τεχνικές φυσικής δόμησης και την κατάλληλη εφαρμογή τους. Οι κατασκευές από αχυρόμπαλες είναι μια εξαιρετική δομική μέθοδος που αποδίδει μεγάλα οφέλη στην εξοικονόμηση οικονομικών και περιβαλλοντικών πόρων τόσο στην κατασκευή όσο και κατά την ανθρώπινη χρήση του κτιρίου. Εκτός από την πρακτική εξάσκηση με αυτά τα υλικά, θα καλύψουμε επίσης θέματα όπως ο βιοκλιματικός σχεδιασμός, η κατασκευή θεμελίων, υδραυλικές και ηλεκτρικές εγκαταστάσεις, διαχείριση νερού και υγρών λυμάτων και φυσικά η αειφορία (permaculture).
Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες, γράψτε μας στο workshop@ecoart.gr
Στο εργαστήριο θα διδάξουν : Barbara Jones (Straw Works, formerly of amazonails UK) πλήρωση αχύρου, επιχρίσματα / Toby Mclean (tall engineers UK) στατικά / Σταματίνα Πάλμου (ecoart GR, PRI Hellas) διαχείριση πόρων, σχεδιασμός αειφορίας / Χρήστος Χωραΐτης (Heatherwick studio UK, Sanford coop UK)- βιοκλιματική αρχιτεκτονική, φυτευτή στέγη

Crete Straw HouseNatural Building Intensive Workshop, October 10-20, 2011In this 10 day intensive workshop we will learn how natural, unprocessed materials such as wood, straw, clay and sand can be transformed into a beautiful, fully functional, healthy, safe, affordable and durable house, designed to offer an exceptional living environment.While giving special emphasis on building with strawbales, living (green) roof construction and clay rendering, we will explore other natural building techniques and their appropriate application. Straw bale construction is an excellent building method that provides great benefits in terms of saving on financial and environmental resources both during the building process and during the building’s human use. Besides hands on practice with these materials we will also cover topics such as bioclimatic design, foundation construction, appliances installation, water management and remediation and of course, permaculture.Course Instructors: Barbara Jones (Straw Works, formerly of amazonails UK) strawbale building, rendering / Toby Mclean (tall engineers UK) structural engineering / Stamatina Palmou (ecoart GR, PRI Hellas) resource management, permaculture design / Christos Choraitis (Heatherwick studio, Sanford coopUK) bioclimatic design, living roof For further information for this course please contact workshop@ecoart.grArrival/Departure We will begin the workshop Monday, October 10th. If you’d like, you may arrive on Friday evening so as to have time to set up before the commencement of the workshop. We will finish things up in the early afternoon on Thursday, October 20What to Expect Be prepared for anything. That includes rain, sun and of course, getting muddy. Much of the work will require at least some physical exertion, but we strongly encourage participants to only work as much as they are comfortable. As much as possible, we will work to provide relaxed, comfortable accommodations. Basically, prepare yourself for a working camping trip that’s going to be loads of fun!Food Please let us know if you have any food allergies or dietary preferences/restrictions so that we may cater to them. Daily Schedule In our experience, a somewhat unorthodox daily schedule works very well for building courses due to the physical nature of the coursework. Here’s the proposed schedule, which may change somewhat if we collectively decide to modify things. 8-9 am –breakfast9-10:30 am – early morning work/lecture session10:30-10:45 -- morning break10:45-12:30 – morning work 212:30-2 – lunch 2-3 pm – afternoon talk session3-5 pm – work6 pm – dinnerEvenings may include slide shows, videos, music, etc. If you have anything (a song, skill, talent, etc.) you would like to share with the group, please do bring it alongAgain, on Monday we won’t actually begin the course until 9am. We’ll have breakfast available beforehand.What to Bring :Sunscreen/A good hat / Tent / inflated matress / sleeping bag /Toiletries and towel /Clothes you don’t mind getting dirty /Sturdy shoes & rubber gloves /Any tools you think may be useful – we’ll be prepared though / Interesting booksCourse fees include:-14 day camping (Friday 7 Oct - Friday 21 Oct) -Yoga Asana, pranayama and yoga nidra early in the morning before breakfast -three meals per day (Monday 10 Oct - Thursday 20 Oct)Course pricing / bookings400 euros (If paid in full 25 days before the course commences)500 euros (Regular price for this course) 250 euros (Deposit to lock in booking)For further information for this course please contact workshop@ecoart.gr
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